A Wellness + Clean Beauty Essentials List For Making the BEST of Hibernation!

A Wellness + Clean Beauty Essentials List For Making the BEST of Hibernation!
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Morgan Wisted


So before I even get into this blog post I just wanted to say thank you for being here and thank you for understanding that us influencers and bloggers know this is a scary time. We know it is unsafe for a number of individuals in our society to go to the grocery store, let alone to Sephora for a face mask. The following list is not to make light of the situation but to make it even the slightest bit more manageable for all involved. As you and your friends have jobs, myself and my blogger/influencer friends do too and I am so grateful to those who understand that and know the LAST thing we are collectively trying to do is make light of the situation or appear oblivious to it.

And with that - onto the list.

A Wellness + Clean Beauty Essentials List For Making The BEST Of Hibernation!

You know those beauty trends or those detoxes you’ve wanted to try but never quite found the time to? “Gosh I would love to switch my skincare, but I have a wedding next week and don’t want to break out!” or “I want to switch my deo to clean deo but what if I STINK in my yoga class tomorrow?” BE DAMNEDDDDDDDD! You have nowhere to be and nothing to focus on except yourself, mama so let’s lean into it!!!


Try a Detoxifying Mask

The clay in these masks work to draw impurities out of the pores. Ideally, using a clay mask once or twice a week will minimize breakouts and clear pores, however, they are notorious for making you breakout as the dirt leaves your skin. So why are they perfect for hibernation? Because who gives a flying flatootle if you break out while you’re sitting at home! Clear them pores, love!

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Experiment With New Product Packs

Nothing is worse than trying out a new product the week of an event and realizing (far too late) that it is NOT working for you. Enter little trial wonderful baby packs that will help you experiment while you binge Netflix and hideaway in the comforts of your home!

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Work On Your Tan….Slowly

How many times have you been invited to the pool or out for drinks and thought, “Ugh - I’m pale as a ghost - time to extreme fake tan.” Well news flash - that will NOT be happening during this time, so build your tan the better way or should I say the clean way? All the tan products listed are vegan, cruelty free, and in packaging that has made efforts to be as waste-less as possible!

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Try A Pit Detox…

The hardest part of switching over to a clean + better for you deo is the STINK in the switch. No shame, honey, it happens to alllllll of us. While you’re hibernating, dive into these top picks to detox le pits!

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…And Switch to Natural Deo!

These are my favorite natural deodorants, PERIOD! Bonus: By Humankind’s deodorants come in responsible, refillable packs!

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Switch to the Shave You Want!

Razor burn be GONE! Let me introduce you to the swankiest, sleekest, most sustainable razor of all time - LEAF. So why do I suggest switching to a Leaf razor during hibernation? Because who has time to shave everything down during the hustle and bustle of normal life? Bonus: your sheets feel extra yummy after a good shave (:

Join Alo Moves

I have had SUCH amazing results with Alo Moves. The classes range from 10 minutes to over an hour and include meditation, cardio yoga, restorative yoga, pilates and everything in between! Follow the link HERE and use code MORGAN for a 14 day free trial!


Make the Jump, Get the Organic Mattress…

There’s just no other way around it, we’re all going to be spending a lot of time at home…and in bed. So if you’ve been thinking about switching over to a better, organic, sustainable mattress, now is the time! I have been in love with my Happsy and know you all would love it too. So come on, get comfy!

…and Make Your Sheets an Oasis!

Your home will be your nest for the next few weeks, so make it your oasis!! Sweet smells, soft sheets, you deserve it! Follow the link for a list of organic and sustainable sheeting that will change your life!

The 2020 Ethical + Sustainable Bedding Guide

Get A Good Book or Revisit An Old One

Audiobooks, E-Readers, E-Zines oh my!! The easiest way to transport yourself into a new realm is to dive into a new book! I’ve linked my current favs as well as some old faithfuls! Not in a book mood? No worries - do you have any old magazines laying around your home? Crack that thing open!! Nothing is more entertaining than taking a look at were fashion was a few years ago. Allow yourself to be inspired by what was in fashion back in the day, remember, it’s allllll circular!!!

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